Here's My Plan

Why Am I Doing This?: Charities need workers to accomplish meaningful work. Workers want meaningful work but need money. How do we solve the problem? Most of us want to help make our communities and the world a better place, but because we have families to care for and bills to pay it's hard to give our spare time. What about people who have lost their jobs, others that lack the job skills to get a 'good' job? I think if we could pay people to do "volunteer" work we would 1) get work done that is more important than selling the latest widget, 2) provide employment and work experience to people who need it, and 3) provide new opportunities for meaningful work to people who want to get out of their job ruts. Sound good? Then let me hear your ideas and thoughts or just donate to support the revolution!

Why Support Us?: When you can't give time, you give money, but you have to give it to huge charities and you never really connect with how your money is helping. If you support me you only have to give a small amount one time, and you can read my blog or listen to my podcasts to hear about what I'm doing right now. You will know that 100% of your money was translated straight into real work where it's needed. It's kind of like going "carbon neutral" but with time instead of pollution. Basically, we are doing your volunteer work for you, so you can keep your spare time for family, exercise, etc.

How Can You Help?:
Click the "Donate Now" button and give what you can afford. Even $10 makes a difference, and if you're skeptical it's not much to risk. This is about lots of ordinary people pooling their resources to do something extraordinary.

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