Nonprofits You Should Know About - One World Cafe
On a recent hiking trip to Utah I learned about the One World Cafe in Salt Lake City. This non-profit restaurant serves organic cuisine, lets diners decide what portion size and how much they pay, and will also let volunteers (including the homeless) trade time for food. It is an amazing concept with the goal of ending hunger under the philosophy "everybody eats". If your first reaction was anything like mine you would wonder how a system like that could survive, but they have proved themselves sustainable after 4 years and have designed a "how-to" guide for other restaurants to follow.
They have a "short" list of U.S. cities where they'd like to establish cafes including New York, Washington D.C. , Pittsburgh, Iowa City, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta and Santa Fe. They also have a video on You Tube that can be accessed from their website. If you're in the neighborhood check them out, if not just think more about the food you eat & waste, if you're truly inspired start up your own!
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