Helping build Independence or Dependence?
Sometimes it's really hard to know how much to help, or if what you think is help is really creating dependence. A refugee's goal is to function independently in their new country, but of course they start off (and likely continue) with state housing and an income benefit along with other special grants. While the dollar amounts don't look like much to you or I, it's reliable housing and income that they have not experienced before.
But what happens when you don't understand how to use your phone card and a bill for $400 shows up? I know how much I would cry if that happened to me, and although I wouldn't enjoy paying it, I could do so easily. Imagine that it's more than 50% of your take home income. Stressful right? So my question is, if I can afford to help pay the bill should I? Even if its done anonomously? Will that help them learn to be more careful with the phone, will it help them learn to budget, or will it set a precedent that when they are in trouble someone will bail them out? We have been cautioned in training not to give above and beyond what is truly necessary as the community talks to eachother and it can set high expectations that future volunteers cannot be expected to meet. On the other hand maybe its just as simple as I have money and they need it. What do you think?